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Sunday, 6 April 2014

Keyword Research Method for Higher Ranking and Traffic

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Keyword Research Method for Higher Ranking and Traffic

Keyword Research is very important for every blogger in this era. It also have importance to increase your blog's SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to drive a best and organic visits towards ypur blog. Seo is describe in a single sentence like this: "The process of indexing and ranking webpages of your blog by search engines and optimize your blog is called SEO". Every newbie blogger wants to learn the whole process of Search Engine Optimization. In Blogging market millions of SEO Tools are available. Today I am sharing with you a very important and most popular part of SEO called Keyword which is used by every webmaster on their websites and blogs. In this article you learn about Keyword Research Process and How to use them.

1.What is Keyword Research?

Keyword Research is one of the most popular part in SEO (search engine optimization) which is used by webmasters to increase the rank their websites and blogs much better in search engine result pages and getting their site on the first page of search engine. Actually , "Keyword" is a phrase which people write in search engines to search anything. For example i want to learn about seo tips I simply write in google or some other search engine "Seo Tips, Top Seo Tips or Best Seo Tips". Here Seo Tips is a real keyword. Search Engine simply go to the which having Seo Tips type keyword in their articles title, in articles headings or in their contents. It collect all these pages and show to me.

2. Why To Do Keyword Research?

In the above paragraph I told you the simple method of search engine to find a keyword. It's important to do keyword research and target some keywords which will help you to drive organic traffic to your blog through search engines. By searching keyword you will be able to know that which topics are most popular in these days.
You can target some important keywords which are having high number of searches in a day, month and year. Once you have done keyword research, targeted any keyword or keywords and use them on your article and enjoy a better rank and also get tons of traffic to your blog.

3. How To Do Keyword Research?

There are millions of tools and software's are available on the internet which will help you to do keyword research for any particular search engines.But I suggested you Google because everyone knows that Google is one of the best and most used search engine and we should also trying to get better ranking in Google search. Google Provide us better tool than others called "Keyword Planner".
Let's get started now.First of all, you select the topic on which you actually want to do keyword research. Then search on Google keywords planner to know which keyword is most searched.Now let's search about your keyword.

  • Go To Google Keyword Planner
  • Login With Your Google Account. 
  • Click on "Search For New Keyword and Ad Group Ideas". 

  • Now a long section which appear which will help us to do keyword research. 

  • In the first box, type your keyword. 
  • You can select your niche in "Your product category" 
  • And in Targeting, you can also setup the locations, languages and much more. 
  • At last, Click "Get Ideas". 
  • When the result comes, click "Keyword Ideas" tab and something will appear like below. 

  • I searched the keyword "Learn web design online" and you can see that this keyword is having 390 monthly searches currently. 
  • Below you can also get the relevant keyword ideas given by the Google Keyword Planner which will help you to do better keyword research. 
  • Now, note down the monthly searches and also in which competition it is. 

Which Type of Keyword you Should Target ?

When you've noted the daily, monthly and yearly searches of some keywords and also their competition in websites then you face the problem that which keyword is better for you. You should target that keywords which may have high number of searches in search engines but competition is low and then use them simply in your article or post in different places such as Title, Headings, First and Last paragraph etc.

In The End

So guys, i share my complete experience with you in this article.I think keyword research is not difficult . Only for newbies bloggers, I tried to make this easier as much as I can. If you've any difficulty, question, suggestion and want to say something then please comment below. If this article (Keyword Research) helped you then please share it with your friends so that others should also learn proper SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and get higher ranking in search engines and increase their traffic. Take a lot of care till the next article.Cheers!
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