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Monday, 24 March 2014

Why Meta Description Tag is Important for SEO?

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Why Meta Description Tag is Important for SEO?

Meta descriptions square measure hypertext markup language attributes that give elliptical explanations of the contents of websites. Meta descriptions square measure ordinarily used on program result pages (SERPs) to show preview snippets for a given page.

Sample of Meta Description Tag


<meta name="description" content="SBT Provides Blogging & Seo Tips,Tricks,Training,Tutorials,Blogger & Wordpress Themes,Templates,Widgets,Gadgets,Earning,Earn Money,Google Adsenses etc">

Optimal Length for Search Engines

Roughly one hundred fifty five Characters.

What is a Meta Description?

Meta description tags, whereas not vital to look engine rankings, square measure extraordinarily vital in gaining user click-through from SERPs. These short paragraphs square measure a webmaster’s chance to advertise content to searchers and to allow them to apprehend specifically whether or not the given page contains the data they are searching for.

The meta description ought to use the keywords showing intelligence, however conjointly produce a compelling description that a searcher can wish to click. Direct connection to the page and singularity between every page’s meta description is essential. the outline ought to optimally be between 150-160 characters.

<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>


<meta content='your description here' name='description'/>

SEO Best Practices for You

Write Compelling Ad Copy

The meta description tag serves the operate of advertising copy. It attracts readers to a web site from the SERP and so, is a particularly vital a part of search selling. Crafting a clear, compelling description victimisation vital keywords will improve the click-through rate for a given webpage. to maximize click-through rates on program result pages, it is important to notice that Google and alternative search engines daring keywords within the description once they match search queries.

Why Meta Description Tag is Important for SEO?

Recommended Length

Meta descriptions is any length, however search engines typically truncate snippets longer than a hundred and sixty characters. it's best to stay meta descriptions between a hundred and fifty and a hundred and sixty characters.

Avoid Duplicate Meta Description Tags

As with title tags, it's vital that meta descriptions on every page be distinctive. a way to combat duplicate meta descriptions is create|to form} a dynamic and programmatic thanks to make distinctive meta descriptions for machine-driven pages.

avoid duplicate meta description

Not a Google Ranking issue

Google declared in Sep of 2009 that neither meta descriptions nor meta keywords issue into Google's ranking algorithms for internet search. Google uses meta descriptions to come back results once searchers use advanced search operators to match meta tag content, furthermore on pull preview snippets on search result pages, however it is important to notice that meta descriptions don't to influence Google's ranking algorithms for traditional internet search.

Quotes bring to an end Descriptions

Any time quotes square measure utilized in a meta description, Google cuts off the outline. to forestall meta descriptions from being bring to an end, it is best to get rid of all non-alphanumeric characters from meta descriptions. If quotation marks square measure vital in your meta description, you'll be able to modification them to single quotes instead of inverted comma to forestall truncation.

Sometimes it's Okay to Not Write Meta Descriptions

Although standard logic would hold that it's universally wiser to jot down a decent meta description, instead of let the engines scrape a given website, this is not invariably the case. Use the overall rule that if the page is targeting between one and 3 heavily searched terms or phrases, escort a meta description that hits those users performing arts that search. If the page is targeting long-tail traffic (three or additional keywords)—for example, with many articles or journal entries, or maybe a large product catalog—it will typically be wiser to let the engines extract the relevant text, themselves. the explanation is simple: once engines pull, they invariably show the keywords and close phrases that the user has explore for. If a webmaster forces a meta description, they'll trim back from the connection the engines build naturally. In some cases, they will overthrow the meta description anyway, however a webmaster can't invariably have faith in the engines to use the additional relevant text within the SERP.

When selecting whether or not or to not add a meta description, conjointly contemplate that social sharing sites like Facebook ordinarily use a page's description tag once the page is shared on their sites. while not the meta description tag, social sharing sites could use the primary text they'll notice. betting on the primary text on your page, this won't produce a decent user expertise for users encountering your content via social sharing.
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